Inante's Disaster Area

Saturday, February 26, 2005

O Level Results!

O level results are coming out in about two days time, if I didn't count wrongly. I've enjoyed the first three (it's really only two if you really go count it) months in VJ so much that I can't imagine it changing after results are released. People will leave, people will come in and I guess there'll be people who are good friends who'll leave VJ. I guess all I can say is thanks so much for the memories and no matter where we go, all of us will still be Inante and we'll all still be friends. Thanks loads guys, cause you've made VJ life worth going to school for.

We should have an outing sometime next week, regardless of results. Any objections?

Tuesday, February 22, 2005



Spampost, but I have to agree with Kendrick...

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Oh well...

No one likes having the Big O's anytime soon, or further ahead into the future. Inf act, I don't think anyone likes it at all. We definitely have to stay in touch, and post more on this blog? LOL.

As for House Captain, hmm... I don't mind being in House Committee myself, but I'll wait and see. :P

Saturday, February 19, 2005

O Level Results

O level results are coming out NEXT WEEK. It's too soon if you want to know my opinion. It's one life time too soon. I'm having so much fun, that although it's only been about one and a half months, it feels like I have known everyone for forever. Thanks for making VJ life such a joy and so enjoyable. If anyone of us can't stay, hopefully we can still keep in touch and go out for regular flick outings (though seeing the increasing workload this may not be very possible) and still be together as a flick even if one of us are not in VJ. Anyone running for House Cap?

Monday, February 14, 2005

Yeah, er, happy V-day (or F-Day to some)!!

{nt} My title sums it all... :)



ok, so that was random. :P translations next time. :P

Happy Vday!

happy vday to everyone from inante! inante rox!!! flick outing soon?

Sunday, February 13, 2005


Que, sera, sera, Miss W. What's done is done, and tomorrow is another day. :)

Yeah. And sorry for not attending the gathering again, Inante...



Urm, sorry for the confusion everyone. I'm sexcaWs btw (the person who wrote the entry entitled Blog Closed. loLz)... Basically, I kindda mixed up something with something by something. haha.. I can't delete the blog. I thought sexcAws was the one who initiated this blog since she said she knew about this blog and the link is also under the sexcaws ID.
Okok, I guess it's my fault since I sexcAws allowed me to 'delete' the blog since we thought it didn't belong to us and stuff so we wanted to delete it. I have no right to delete this blog as sexcaws isn't the one who started this blog (although I really don't understand why there's this link to sexcaws id, maybe it's because sexcAws is blogging here).

Too sum up all the questions here. sexcaws has nothing to do with porn (muahaha)~. Audrey is sexcAws and you can figure out the rest of the letters... LoL.

Sorry for the big big big hu-ha about this and we won't be touching this blog again.

-- sexcaWs

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Miss X?

I doubt Audrey knows it herself, lol. Audrey, do you know it? Oh, and yes, happy belated LUNAR New Year to all, get well soon Shi Qing, see you all at cross country. Remember, a ll of you must overtake me! It is my aim to finish first (starting from the back). :D Or whatever.


sexcaws strikes again

hello friends of audrey. i come in peace. haha, ok this may sound confusing coz im oso sexcaws, budden im not audrey nor the previous sexcaws hu signed. im seXcaws, ok? because it's really simple really, sexcaws consists of 7 ple, and im X.

anyway so wierd, how come inante can haf a blog in the same blogger acct as sexcaws? i suggest that u all ask audrey hor, coz shes the oni link btwn us rite, so interrogate her whe u all meet in sku. buhbye


Happy Chinese New Year!

Hello everyone! Happy Chinese New Year! This is especially to our dear Shi Qing whom should be getting well soon! *hee hee*

Anyway, Nazri I think the "two vertically challenged members of Inante"(quote Nazri) might just decide to accidentally on purpose drown you in the sea on Friday during cross country. *haha* Or maybe they'll make you treat them to Ben n Jerry's. (Right Kendrick?) *haha*

Anyway, I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year and to have a great and prosperous year ahead. Here's something I got this morning:

"Wish you Horse Arrive Work Done, Step Step High Rise, Year Year got Fish, One Road Smooth Wind, Heart Think Work Done, Dragon Horse Sperm God, Gong Xi Fa Cai!"

Have a great weekend everyone! Get Well Soon Shi Qing!

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Happy CNY.

Let's crash a house. =D

Monday, February 07, 2005


tomorrow. we must do shiqing proud by mastering the mass dances & killer move and look pro at it [or at least try to]. quote nys' msn nic "FOR SHIQING!!!!"

take care and get well soon okay.

and apologies to the two, erm, vertically challenged members of inante. no promises that the teasing will stop though. kendrick? denys? a habit too hard to kick. may the new year be filled with blessings of calcium and protein. and vitamins aplenty.


No idea really.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Whoever that is...

Identify yourself. (If you're audrey playing a trick then I don't know but I trust her not to do this.) Whoever you are, Mr-part-of-sexcaws, I, we infact, we would like to have a chance to clear things up.

By the way, are you part of the admins, or have you lodged a complaint against them? Because I simply do not understand how our blogs can be deleted if you're a regular blog user.

EDIT: We'll wait and see.

EDIT 2: I am being overly alarmed by this. *cocks rifle*


Audrey didn't I tell you to lay off the drugs? =)


Audrey didn't set up this blog, we did.

Blog Closed

This blog will close due to it's interference with Sexcaws. Either you set up a new blog under a new user name, or you just live with it.


This just means that Audrey has somehow used sexcaw's user id to set up this blog which isn't really suppose to happen and I'm just someone who's part of sexcaws to delete this blog.

Contents of this blog will not be saved once it has been deleted, so I don't know how you guys are going to save the history of contents and stuff.

Sorry for all the inconvenience caused and.. Cheers. :) HAppy CNY. Nice, 'gay' pink i guess.


I think I shouldn't post word of the days anymore when I have nothing to blog about. *haha*

We learn something new everyday right?

Main Entry: gre·gar·i·ous
Pronunciation: gri-'gar-E-&s, -'ger-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin gregarius of a flock or herd, from greg-, grex flock, herd
Tending to associate with others of one's kind : SOCIAL b : marked by or indicating a liking for companionship : SOCIABLE c : of or relating to a social group

Mariam Webster Dictionary Word of the Day
to soothe or mollify especially by concessions : appease

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Inante shirt... Denys shall come out with the designs :P

As for flick outings, I couldn't go for the last one cos I had an appointment elsewhere... and there's always my Mom to deal with.


The number of people going for flick outings seem to be decreasing. Show some unity people! =) Oh yes, has anyone though of an Inante shirt yet?

5 a.m., and no falling... *cues Trademark, Only Love*


We'll treasure the times we have, ne? And go for more flick outings...

(Although it is causing a lot of friction between my mother and I...*sighs* :'( )

(nani ga chigau? naze ga chigau?)
What is wrong? Why is it wrong?

Thursday, February 03, 2005

I don't mind spending every day...

"I don't mind spending everyday,
Out on your corner in the pouring rain,
Look for the girl with the broken smile,
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile,
And she will be loved,
She will be loved..."

Every time I hear this song, I think about Inante. Reason being that the guys decided it would be a good idea, during the OG BBQ to sing this song at a ridiculously high pitch (even higher than the original itself) at the top of their voices. *haha* So whenever this song plays, I keep thinking about Inante. Which is a good thing.

I'll be very very very sad the day Inante is split up. (And I hope this day won't come, but "some things are just unavoidable" -- quote someone in our flick) Keep your fingers crossed... Whatever it is, I hope we all keep in touch. I don't know why I'm suddenly thinking about this, but I am.

"I don't mind spending everyday,
Out on your corner in the pouring rain,
Look for the girl with the broken smile,
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile,
And she will be loved,
She will be loved..."

(And yes, I repeated this, it was not a typo or anything)

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


wah...Denys pro sia. Maybe all of us should specialise in a dance so we can lead the rest. :P Muahahaha. I wanna pro in tribal leh. :) Well? :)

stewpid mass dancing.

Who knew that Denys, the guy who couldn't dance to save his life in Orientation week, would be leading 10 or so classes in dancing to Savage Garden's crooning? I don't think I fouled up too bad, so yay. Must thank OGLs for teaching the dance so well, and Kenny for that useful website.

So yeah thanks. =D